Hi everybody....I have been down the "bad" road this past week....stress,pain,headache.....tears. My primary doctor refussed to refill pain/muscle relaxer until I am evaluated at Pain Clinic on the 28th. I felt as if I had been pushed off of a cliff. After 6 days I was a gonner. Sunday I called my nieghbor an she came over and she gave me 1 of her anxiety pills and I quit crying,but pain was still so bad. I got an appointment with neurosurgeon for yesterday. She gave me an exam and said I have trigeminal neuralgia and neuropathy. Not much you can do but she did refill my meds. I SLEPT last night very well,relatively pain/anxiety free,also ordered an MRI. Soooooo much better today. Thank God for her. Today is a much brighter day. My balance is terrible but I am walking and looking forward to the day.....just being careful not to fall. The "body" pain, induced from stress on the joints and muscles to stay upright is debilitating if I don't take something for it. After 6 days it was awful. She admittedly said "they" really don't know what the "leftovers" are from radiation. HELLO!!!! Finally someone tells the truth. I have the Wii, Yoga,Tai Chi, 3 wheel bike etc. etc. Looking forward to pool warming up so I can use it. I think I'm on the right path again and will start all over with a positive outlook and press on. Thanks guys for your sharing of your issues and letting me know I am not alone. It's so great to have you all.