I find I think of more and more questions as time goes on.
(I also forget many things as well).
First, I feel very lucky to have received the good care I did.
My tumor was small and my doctor told me he got everything out.
I am totally deaf on my left side, balance is still not much better, dizziness is only when I stand up or turn around quickly.
I now have tintinitis when I stretch (sounds like a michine running; loud humming sound but stops when I relax).
Still tire easilly.
Is this all pretty common?
Does anyone know when I can color my hair again, and if so, with which products?
I am not overly hungry, but everything I eat tastes very good!
I forget many simple words and know that I know them but can't recall them.
Does anyone have anyexperince with bi-cros?
I have two hearing aides (one of which is usless, of course). Can it be changed to a bi-cros machine?
What do bi-cros machines cost?
Can anyone explain just what, exactly happens during the operation?
I had a trans-lab procedure.
I have double vision, with left eye weaker than the right, left eye looking higher than the right.
This is a great place to visit, looking forward to your replies.