Thanks everyone for your posts. They all help! o.k. about the cystic component in my tumor? Dr.Chang said he did not see any cystic in my tumor, but he just read the MRI report and did not look at my MRI before he talked to me.? I guess it would say it in the report but I wanted him to really look at my MRI before talking to me. Dr.Delashaw said he seen a little. I do not know if I even have a cystic tumor because I heard two different things, well better wait for the third and fourth opinion. That's interesting about what the cystic component does during treatment though, that does not make me so happy, but it is what it is. I have also heard (read post, Australia doctor) that if the tumor has a large cystic component to it that the radiation is not a good idea, because occasionally the cyst part can grow quite rapidly and not to use radiation because sometimes when you get radiation, particularly on AN's with cysts inside them they can swell afterwards and sometimes the cyst part can start growing with the radiation. Also the radiation doesn't get to the other side of the AN behind the cyst. Has anyone heard of this? Jese lou ese, Acoustic Nueroma has a smelly aroma..... Now i really don't know what to do. I feel like I am the doctor but I don't know what the heck I am talking about. I thought we can trust these doctors, we are placing our sacred lifes in there hands and now here I am researching my own case from different information from different doctors. Every thing seems so confusing, what to do, bad info here, good info here, not them, yes them, no money - forget it no treatment, where is the humanity? who do we trust? anywho--poo bad aroma
Sue, Fight Team Fight, right on, that made me feel like all you people really do care for me. Thanks sooo much. Your idea about CK in Van. I will look into that.
Steve, my ENT refered me to Dr.Hodgsons, he has been booked solid. I see him on the 19th. I'm glad to hear that you found him to be mentaly stable.

Rick, thanks for bringing up the whole cystic tumor thing, it's something to think about but it seems to suck either way.
Irenuk, I have yet to get my 3 month MRI to see if there is any growth. I had my first at the end of Dec. 08, there may be a miss conception on how these tumors grow. Some feel like they grow 1/2mm per year but I have read that they grow in spurts, they will be stable for months or years then all of a sudden boom, they sprout up with growth. Iv'e read that in some cases they can double in size in 3 months. Now all tumors are unique to each individual. The question is do you want to get it while it's at it's smallest size or wait till it grows a bit, then do something about it. If you wait till it gets bigger it sounds like it's harder to treat on either end of the treatmnet. I have read though that 30% of AN's stop growing on there own. So what a pickle we are all in. I say listen to your body, spirit, and your symptoms. But it can grow larger and you not feel any symptoms. Then any treatment is more difficult. I do apprciate you mentioning I have time but what is time anyway??
Thanks to you all, my sincere prayers are with you. Blessings come in disguise. Peace Greg