Question #3 trillion and two!
I'm nearly 7 weeks post-op (yay) and feeling pretty darn good. BUT, for the last week, I have muscle soreness from my hips to my ankles all the time. It is not related to exercise (admittedly, I'm not doing nearly as much of that as I should so I know this to be true). I toss and turn all night and can't remember when I've really rested well and despite the Ambien that my dr. prescribed (about a week ago), I am awake at night more than I'm asleep.
What the heck is this? I called my Dr.'s office and his clinical nurse said it could be related to the Ambien, so I'm stopping that for a few days to see if there is any relief. I've taken Advil before bed a few nights and that helps for a few hours, but as soon as it wears off, my muscle aches are right back and the tossing starts again (my husband even notices and he is a really sound sleeper!!!). I've read about "restless legs syndrom" but since I feel the achiness during the day, too, it doesn't sound like this is it.
Has anyone been down this road?

I can't remember who said it, but someone said "ANs.. the gift that keeps on giving!" Now I know what that means!!!