It’s been interesting for me to view this video, of Renee, again.
I saw it before I sought neuro muscular facial retraining therapy.
To see it again – I recognized my neuro muscular facial retraining therapist’s voice i
n a second. (I did not know her the first time I viewed this- so I had no connection to make.) I really think that they should have recognized Wanda Crook- in the credits also. (She has helped me tremendously)
Greg I am thinking it might be worthwhile you having a consult with Dr Friedman at House (he was interviewed in the video on the sports field).
Here is his profile have also interviewed Dr. Hitzleberger in the video however I am most certain he has retired from surgery- since the film was made. When I was at interviewing at HEI, before my final choice, - he was then age 77. He has had an incredible lifetime of helping others. He and Dr. Brackmann (the AN world guru whom I respect
tremendously) are longtime colleagues… who a few in our AN support group have had successful surgeries with.
You will come to realize that the Acoustic Neuroma world is a small one. Nevertheless know that you are about to embark on an incredible journey. You will no doubt discover people who value the content of ones character more so than one’s appearances… and on this forum, and in support groups, are some amazing people with stories well worth listening to.
We are here to support you through this. You and your family ARE going to get through this … and know that the forum here is much like family too. We talk to each other at all hours of theday; even on bad hair days, and sometimes from our laptops dressed in PJ’s with a coffee in hand- from all over the world.
I am so glad you stumbled on this video … for me it was good to see it again. Thanks for sharing it.
I am keeping you, and your family, in my prayers.
Keep moving forward.
P.S. I had eye twitching before my treatment. It is gone now but I still have eye issues when I am tired due to stress (or too much time at the computer screen) with dry eye and a sometimes slow moving eyelid not wanting to blink-in-sync. Post surgery my eye was wild- it has settled now. Somedays it is actually 100% normal...