Hi Anissa,
This doesn't have anything to do with mind exercises, but i read on one of your posts that you would try to stay in the hospital a few days and not rush out (because of kids' care, etc). I totally agree with that. I know it's hard to sleep in the hospital, the food is yuck and there's no place like home, but I found as soon as i got home, i felt like i needed to be doing stuff! (have three kids - they're all teenagers and were pitching in a lot more, but one is autistic and is kind of like taking care of a big toddler). I still rested, but felt like i needed to contribute to doing laundry, cleaning, etc. I was in ICU for 5 days. Of course it wasn't ideal, but the care was great, i always went back to sleep after being awakened at all hours (teaching hospital so it seemed like the residents were in at all hours checking everything). I was so out of it anyway.
Plus, if your kids are little and they see you at home, they won't always understand that 'mommy needs to rest!'
So, take it easy and take care!