Hi Dawn,
Sorry, just saw this thread now. I had a lipoma removed last summer via translab. At the time, no one had any idea it was a lipoma, and just thought it was a normal AN.
A few things about this: First, the literature I've seen (and there IS remarkably little) states that the most common symptom with lipomas is hearing loss. Significant hearing loss was my only symptom. Now, that may depend on where they are found. Also, I really don't know where mine was located.
Second, lipomas differ from ANs during surgery in that they are very "sticky". This means they can be quite tricky to remove. In my case, they had to cut it off the nerve with a scissors. Usually, ANs just peel off, I guess. The extra trauma can cause more damage to the nerve, either directly, or indirectly through later inflammation in the area.
I did indeed have facial palsy after surgery. Directly afterwards, when I woke up, my function was only slightly off. As the inflammation set in, I had significant palsy. I had eye issues because the lid would not close properly. That part was the worst. I am now 9 months post op and most things have resolved. My eye is fine, and I have both a closed-mouth smile, and a smallish open-mouth smile. I still cannot raise my eyebrow, and my mouth cannot clamp shut on the left. I cannot whistle or blow up a balloon. I also found that I cannot do "rescue breaths" during my latest CPR training, so no one had better collapse around me.
OK, that sounds like a lot, and yes, it was a pain to deal with. BUT, I would do it again, since a little sticky mess is still easier removed than a big sticky mess. My lipoma was only 7 mm. I don't see the size of yours listed.
I'm curious to know why the surgeons think yours is a lipoma....my doctors didn't seem to think there was anything different on my films, and were surprised by the pathology findings.
House is probably a very good option, but I guess my story proves that even your local AN doctor can remove one.
Best Wishes,