How do you like that one?
Caddy Wampus appeared in a thread a while back. It was Jan's suggestion for this week. Brian verfied it. I checked it out. It's a bit of a colloquialism but it does appear in the Urban Dictionary. So for those of you on the calendar this week, consider yourself Caddy Wompusing.
And starting off the Caddy Wampusing on Wednesday, JoeBloggs the intrepid paddleboarding knitter from Australia (you need to add that phrase to Australia -- it almost sounds Australian) is having her Translab in Melbourne. So while you're in the hospital, knit a few beanies -- oh yeah do that surgery thing and have a successful one and a great recovery.
Also on Wednesday, Dan in Germany is having a visit with the Tube o' Gloom. It's his 18 month MRI. Although you're a Yankee, I'll say it in German -- Viel Gluck wunsch ich euch. May it be a clean scan.
And finally, rounding out the Caddy Womping week, Mark (kenmar) is having surgery here in LA at House. Best wishes for a very successful surgery, Mark. The weather here has been great.
In closing, I'd like to add something -- Nancy and I visited Beth, the 24 year old Translab patient. She is an inspiration. She's NF2, just had her 4th surgery in two years, and is handling it with grace and strength. I am happy to have known her.
So with that, have a great week all.