Close-ish to the coast (I consider anywhere in the UK to be close-ish to the coast as it's a lot smaller than Australia!), probably an hour or so to the Norfolk coast, but I'm in Cambridge. Apparently my friend saw someone paddleboarding down the Cam (river running through Cambridge) yesterday! Good to know there's people there doing it!!
I'd definitely believe it - you've got standup connections everywhere!
All good today at the physio - she said I'm doing great and gave me a whole heap more fabulous exercises - and I bought a balance wobble cushion to practice on. Then I had to go to the dentist for a check up - good news, my teeth are perfect - bad news, my wisdom teeth are completely impacted and I need an operation asap to get them out! AAAaaaaaaaarrrrghgghghgh! Not happy! I'm over operations. If only I knew before my AN op when half my face was numb! Perhaps I could have had the op at the same time! Even better! Ah well... can't be helped! I'm sure though it'll probably be far worse than my AN op - I'm sure of it in fact!!