Has anyone been successful with out of network coverage through an appeal? My surgery was just thrown into limbo today when I got the word that United Healthcare denied coverage for the operation at SBI since they are out of network. The "gap" coverage clause is supposed to take effect when local sources are not available for the procedure. In my case, United is saying that their network has providers and thus deny coverage at the last minute for the scheduled operation next week. Now in reality, the only reputable endoscopic treatment for ANs is SBI, and they are out of network. Since there is no local "in kind" service available, I should be able to get approved for the operation. Unfortunatly, some brave soul "just doing their job" up the line at United decided to cancel the already approved coverage, putting me in limbo. What I have found out is that United Healthcare as well as other providers base these decisions on so called "codes" of coverage, and they actually DO NOT have a code in their system for endoscopic treatment. SBI's office used a code for neurosurgery, and some functionary decided that there is other "neurosurgeons" in their approved list, thus issuing a denial of service to SBI. They will not fax this official denial nor e-mail it. So with snail mail of the USPS, we will not receive the denial notice intime, and m surgery will not happen.
So assuming that I need to appeal, has anyone out there been successful with appeals, specifically regarding SBI?