Met with my surgeon at Beth Israel today... the first time in my life I heard a surgeon say "nope, you are not for surgery but for radiosurgery!"ÂÂ
She is VERY well versed and has experience in Gamma Knife (local at Tufts and RI, her training at Yale and she is assoc professor of brain/neurosurgery at Harvard, the hand picked protege of Dr. Peter Black), Proton (Martuza at MGH, who she knows and spoke VERY highly!), Cyberknife at Beth Israel and Novalis, which they have at Brigham Woman's (they also have a new "machine" there and will find out what exactly it is... waiting for the radiation oncologist to call to set up my appt for consult).
You and I (and many here) are fortunate to live in a medical mecca... I have confirmed that Dr. Peter Black at Brigham/Woman's does, on average, 50 AN's per year (microsurgery) with the ENT. She felt the number for AN surgeries at House Clinic (LA) was slightly inflated due to the fact that only approx 6% of those with brain tumors are AN's and based on the USA (and Canada) poplulation, their number of approx 500/yr was not true to count.ÂÂ
More than happy to discuss my conversation with you offline (email) if you want... from a local perspective, am researching my options VERY carefully now as it is decision time... just which to go with, well... I'm working on it. BTW, same age group as you... turned 45 (UGH!) last week.