This is going to sound
so completely pathetic, but here goes:
I can't go for walks--for a variety of reasons. One, residual effects from one of my broken bones (ankle); two, asthma that although [currently!] well controlled, makes activity difficult; three, DIZZINESS from the lovely AN. Starting in June 2003 I fell three times and broke three bones, one requiring two surgeries and another one requiring one operation...and my dizziness is MUCH, MUCH worse now than it was then. So walking is out.
I can't drive--I had to give that up a month or so ago due guessed it!...the AN-related dizziness.
I can't read, at least not for prolonged periods (like more than 5-10 minutes) because it exacerbates the dizziness. I've always been a voracious reader, so this really sucks.
I can't work on the computers--and I'm a programmer/sysadmin by profession, so computers are LIFE--because of the dizziness.
I don't drink, so wine is out.
I basically can't do ANYTHING that requires standing up or even being upright for prolonged periods--so cooking is out, gardening is out, going to the beach is out, going to the movies is out, pretty much everything I enjoy doing.
I know it sounds like I'm having a pity party, but I'm really not! I'm just stating facts...pathetic sounding as they are!