I did Gamma Knife at Barrow Neurologic Institute in June 2004 for a 1.5 cm AN. I could not be happier with the result. It was outpatient in the morning, I had lunch out that day and worked in the afternoon, my 6 mo. MRI showed a little shrinkage in the tumor, no headaches, no facial nerve damage. Negative side effects were very few - weird tastes for a couple of weeks, some little shooting pains through the radiation area from time to time but they are NOTHING, not like a headache at all, just little shooters. The most significant change has been some loss of balance, especially when fatigued, difficulty turning on a bike, vertigo when I push a hike or climb or bike ride. But that is all getting better with vestibular exercise, has not been very limiting or at all dibilitating. My age is 55.
A year after my sudden hearing loss (about 70% loss), I'm even getting used to that. Life is good.
Good luck to you!
Sally in Prescott, AZ