I personally think that all changes should be ran by your Doctor regardless of how insignificant they may seem.  I'm not a Doctor but in regards to the "emergency surgery" question. I think mental confusion/ loss of memory, nausea, extreme balance problems, extreme tireness (fatique), weight loss, ongoing headaches, vision changes, including bouts of blurred vision accompanied with headache would be something to seek immediate medical advice on.ÂÂ
I was treated for a 6 CM tumor under emergency conditions.  Advanced hydrocephalus was the immediate danger. followed by tumor removal surgery 6 days later. Emergency surgery is not the place to start your AN journey, it leaves you with no choices in treating doctors, or in treatment options.  The surgeon's experience is a vital part in having a positive outcome. Larger tumors pose a greater risk of possible outcomes. I can't state enough how important it is for you to be aware of your symptoms and stay in contact with your doctor, and to assemble a medical team that is vastly experienced in the treatment of AN's.
Best to you