I found a copy of my medical records going back to my birth on which every ailment and doctor visit had been listed. I noticed that I had an enormous number of ear infections as an infant and toddler.
When I was five years-old I was clocked on the left side of my head with a golf ballâ€â€on the ear specificallyâ€â€while walking home from Kindergarten across a big field. I started having short, profound dizzy spells at age 11 that would occur only once in a while up through the age of 30. I often wonder if those dizzy spells were a sign of what was to come. The hearing in my left ear was good until 2001 or so.
In 1983 at the age of 26 I began to experience strange, shifting visual problems where my field of vision would continually rise upward and reset with my head in a stationary position. Around that time I went out one night to hear a live rock band. The next morning I awoke to find the room spinning out of controlâ€â€total vertigo. It was so bad the first day or two that I could barely even stand-up and had to crawl to get around. When I could stand I'd have to lean on a wall to brace myself as I walked. I was in that condition for one week, improving slightly day to day. I was taken to the emergency room during that time and told that I had an inner ear infection without having any tests done. It wasn't until many years later that I realized the inner ear infection may have been aggravated by the exposure to loud noise that night and only recently that the incident occurring in 1983 could have signified the beginning of my AN growth.
Those dizzy spells I used to have were as remarkable as they were terrifying in that they were much like having seizures. I would be stopped in mid-stride and literally brought to my knees. Accompanying the intense vertigo would be a loud buzzing in my head that was so intense it felt as though my skull was vibrating. Everything would turn green and I'd collapse. As I got older I learned that I could stave them off as I felt them coming-on by contracting the muscles around my eyes as if squinting and yelling "NO!!!". Then the feeling would go away. It was particularly horrifying when I'd feel one coming-on while behind the wheel.
The point of all this is, looking back, I've been plagued-with weird ear-related, equilibrium problems since childhood. By the time my AN was diagnosed it had grown to 5 cm x 5 cm (that's 50 millimeters by 50 millimeters!) with accompanying hydrocephalus. I cannot help but wonder how far back this condition or predisposition could have been diagnosed, treated and even completely averted if I had been given proper treatment and testing.