Welcome - I too have a small AN and am in W&W (I was only diagnosed last December). It is very encouraging to se eyou have avoided treatment for so many years - congratulations.
So, I am not in a great position to comment since I am so new and haven't had any treatment.
However, I read research studies (well, actually most of the time excerpts of research studies). I found this one recently and it seems to fit you relatively well - so it may be well worth raising the nature of the study with your ENT, neurosurgeon and radiosurgeon.
Here is a link
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121605740/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0The premise is that a very small population of patients who had no serviceable hearing (which it appears fits your description) have fewer balance issues post surgery as compared to radiation given appropriate recovery. Again very small population, but it would be interesting to learn if there is any merit to the claim.
One of the authors is a common name I see around here - NYU - John Golfinos - which, for me, at least adds a bit of reliability.
It mightn't be a valid claim but is an interesting discussion point, especially since balance issues is one of your key concerns.
Welcome, and good luck.