Author Topic: anyone have used Jefferson University, Phila PA for surgery or radiation  (Read 4546 times)


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I was wondering if anyone has used or consulted with Drs Thomas Willcox or DR David Andrews at Jefferson in PHila Pa.  they both spoke at the symposium there 2 years ago.  so many of you seem to have traveled to LA for surgery and I would love to (especially becasue my son lives there) but can't afford it.

Donna R

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Hi..I haven't had the surgery yet, but, Dr. Willcox is who I am seeing right now...I have had two consultations with him, now I have an appointment to see the doctor that does the surgery with him.  I was told that Dr. Willcox is very good. I guess I will definately make my decision on the surgery after I see this Dr. Evans....


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Hi Donna,  so what is your story?  I've been with Dr Willcox since Jan of 2002.  I've never been introduced to any other surgeons who would be doing the surgery with him but I also have not decided yet
to do surgery or GK.  Dr Willcox sent me to Dr David Andrews to consult on radiation because I seemed hesitant on surgery.  Being down and out from a major surgery right now in my life is what is making this a harder decesion for me now. I have a consult with him on the 28th and with Dr "Andrews on May 4....I feel like an idiot to go without a decesion still...So many other factors to figure in.  anyway would like to hear your story when you have a minute.  What parts are from?I'm down the shore near Ocean City.

Donna R

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Hi...I just came back today from my consultation with the neurosurgeon, Dr. Evans..he would be doing the surgery with Dr. Willcox..I really like him, he was very knowledgeble, told me everything about the surgery, so, now I just have to wait for a call for a date for surgery, I wanted to plan it in June sometime when my kids are out of school...oh let me tell you, I have been on the fence for so long trying to make a decision, I finally just said, okay I am going to have this surgery. I am confident with the doctors, and my AN is 3cm, so this is probably the best route for me...It is hard to decide what to do!  I have been so nervous about the whole thing, and still am...So, you are at the shore?  I am originally from South Jersey, but now I am in Pa about 10 minutes out of Phila.
Take care,


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I had my surgery there 5 years ago on the 28th this month. My surgeons were Wilcox & Rosenwasser. Surgery or radiation is something you have to decide for yourself but I would be glad to answer any questions you might have regarding surgery. Results will vary person to person and procedure to procedure. I was in Ocean City this past saturday since the weather was so nice. However, I didn't know that there would be a few hundred basset hounds walking the boards. The kids enjoyed that and the parade. Anyway, if I could help in any way drop me an email.


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Hi Donna, that sure sounds good to hear you say how you liked Dr Evans.  how long have you been watching and waiting??? my tumor is a little more then half yours and already experiencing increased sysmtoms.  i've been seeing Dr Willcox since 02.  I actually just talked to Dr Luxford and the house ear clinic yesterday to get a second opinion on which way i should go and he really picked up on what the balance issues i've had and continue to have.  So he said he wouldn't suggest GK for me because of that.  He stated what approach he would use and why etc.  I was hoping for a GK suggestion but had a feeling it was going to go this way.  But he also suggested to have my spurs on my neck taken care of first because this could affect the balance rehabilitation and neck pain after surgery.  He was vey helpful.  Not real practical for me to go there for surgery although i would love to for the merefact that my son lives in LA.  but the cost is not possible at this time so I'm glad I'm happy with Dr Willcox here.  keep me posted on how things are going.  How old are your kids?  Mine are 25 and 21 so its just me and hubby i have to worry about although you truely never stop be concerned with your kids.


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 Hey flyersfan68.......grew up with the flyers myself although haven't been as dedicated a fan these past few years....great memories of me and my dad and bros through the broad street bully era...  Ocean city is crazy when the weather first gets nice here...hounds and all.  I had to work that day unfortunately.  Can't wait for the beach....The oceans sounds are the only thing that drowns out the tinnitus...So tell me about you experience at Jefferson.  and your AN history.  You're right that everyone is differnt and each tumor is different.   I'n getting to the point that i just want to get it done with now that i know i'm not one of the "lucky" ones whose tumor stays small and not change for years.  so I know its coming.  Was hoping to GK it but I don't know that's the best for me because of the balance issue. thats how i was diagnosed because of falling off my feet and spinning.  Any way where youfrom?  Philly area?


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A friend of mine works at Jeff, for Dr. Rosenwasser (?) and thinks he's the greatest Doc around.  I would be going there but they don't take my insurance so I am going to see Dr. Jude at Univ. of PA Hospital (HUP) next Tuesday.

(Also, I am a H-U-G-E Flyers Fan and haven't missed a game in years! Tonight's game was great! I live on the NJ side of Philly.) 

Anyway, back to the subject---Jefferson is also a really beautiful, new hospital and much easier to get to then HUP and the Starbucks at 8th & Walnut (practically next door) has the nicest barristas anywhere.  We go there several x / week.

Right side AN 2.8 x 1.8  SSD
Diagnosed 2003-Watch & wait until 3/09
Looks like it's gonna be translab


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Hi Kappy.  good to hear good things about Jeff...  its a shame that we have to decide based on insurance.  I called my company to see which they would cover most of GK or surgery.   we shouldn't have to do that.  I actually  sent my films to House ear clinic to get a another opinion because I would rather go GK but wasn't sure that was the best decision based on my symtoms and Dr Luxford from there called me and confirmed that for me.  But I see Dr willcox on Tuesday and will probably discuss about when to do this,  I need to take care  of some surgery on my neck first .  waiting to hear from the Rothman inst.  for that one now.  Avoided any major health issues for so long I guess i'm getting hit with them all at once. 
go flyers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donna R

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Hi Deb....yes, I did like Dr. Evans and also Dr. Wilcox, they seem really experienced with AN...let's see..I have been watching and waiting since I guess right before the holidays last year. By the time I knew it was AN, it was already 3cm, and I had another MRI done a few months after, and it had not grown, but my hearing is just about gone in that I guess this has all been going on right before the holidays in kids are 8 and 18..two, you are right, no matter how old your kids are, you don't stop worrying!  Yes, I figure at 3cm, I really don't have a choice but to have the surgery, the symptoms I am having besides the hearing loss is the bad taste in my mouth...and food isn't really tasting right either, and sometimes a have a little bit of a balance problem if I walk kind of fast or turn around too fast...I guess I am getting used to the hearing loss, although at times it's annoying....sure, I will keep you updated.  Hope things are going well with you!  We are certainly having some early summer days, I'll bet the shore is nice right now!
Take care!


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Hi Deb, Donna and Kabby!

As someone who was born and raised in Bucks County, PA, i can relate to the Flyers!

Deb - my sister (aka BigSister) consulted with Dr. Jude at UoP.
You can go back to the main page and search under her name for any comments.
(Yes, we are BOTH here, but i live in VA)
I believe that Jefferson or UoP - both sound like excellent choices to me!
I have been to UVA and John Hopkins, why not, they are within driving distance.
No treatment for me (yet) - but i am very interested in CK.  The closest one is at Georgetown, DC, but i too, would love to go to CA at Stanford.

My worst fear - do i wait or do treatment because a) minimum symptoms and b) insurance consideration?
Tough decisions, but you have to go with that 'gut feeling.'

Keep us posted, ladies!

Little sister to Bigsister!
9mm X 6mm X 5mm
Misdiagnosed 12+ years?
Diagnosed Sept. 2008/MRI 4/09/MRI 12/09/MRI 1/21/11
Continued W & W