Welcome Amy
You have a lot on your plate with such a little one. We have several moms with youngins - I have four (as does Anissa), many with two, one due any day and one post-treatment due with twins in July. Vonda had surgery with a really little one so she can offer great insight into that one (and the horse angle too!)
I also have a small tumor (see my siggie) - mine is entirely intracanicular, and am in watch & wait. I was diagnosed in December so still a newbie.
I had very mild issues with the light-headedness/dizziness over the past few weeks - nothing that slowed me down too much, but did get me into a bit of a state (I was just getting comfortable with the watch & wait approach and the 2 months to go until my next MRI). I ended back up at the ENT - who did a few tests involving pens, following objects, shaking my head for nystagmus (unusual eye movements - my definition, not at all technical).
He suggested that the dizziness/light-headedness is par for the course. Interestingly, despite normally me being pretty laid back, he also brought up the role of anxiety and dizziness. While I don't think I am that anxiety ridden, I think I got myself going a bit with the dizziness - if I looked from paper to computer screen, I would get light-headed, walking up stairs got me dizzy and walking on the subway platform while the train whizzed by was (and still is) extremely difficult (I now stop and look away). The ENT put me back on track - and while still light-headed, much improved from a week ago. He explained blood acidity, capacity to carry oxygen, faster breathing when anxious ... all lead to dizziness. I also read on the cyberknife forum yesterday that some doctors recommend very very small doses of valium to help with the vertigo common with ANs (that was new to me).
I am not at all suggesting your aren't suffering from some pretty extreme bouts of vertigo but given your plate - new babe, new diagnosis, dizzy/vertigo etc. - I am not surprised you are faced with some symptoms.
Give it some time, enjoy that little babe and see where you get to in a few weeks -hopefully time, a bit more sleep (which I have read from many escalates symptoms) and a lot more knowledge, and you feel a bit better.
PS - probably a bit personal, but do you get dizzy/suffer vertigo spells while breastfeeding (if that is your choice)? Just curious, on my anxiety angle - breastfeeding naturally calms mothers - so given I am constantly curious on the impact these ANs have on our lives, I am just wondering if you have similar symptoms while nursing. [When you are a mom of many, nursing doesn't involve much time on chairs with your feet up - it is amazing what you can accomplish while feeding - it isn't leisure time anymore!]