Hi Lupy,
I'm sorry to hear that you are having these issues with your face. I never had to take any medications prior to surgery as the only symptoms I had were hearing loss, tinnitus and some balance/vertigo issues.
Accoustic Neuromas rarely grow very fast at all, but even the slightest change can cause a huge increase in symptoms. I was diagnosed at the end of September 2008, but didn't have my surgery until March of 2009. During this time, my tinnitus became signifcantly louder, so I was sure that my tumor had grown much larger. After surgery, I was told that the tumor had grown hardly at all, about what would be expected in 6 months.
Your hearing will most likely not get any better, even after surgery. In fact, on average, there is a 60 percent chance of preserving "useful" hearing after surgery. Very few people have improved hearing after surgery. I would talk to your surgeon ahead of time about hearing preservation if that is important to you.
Your balance will improve slowly after surgery, but chances are you will be quite imbalanced and dizzy right after surgery. Most surgeons, if not all now, completely remove the vestibular nerve on purpose. Leaving a damaged balance nerve in place causes the brain to struggle with the mixed signals it receives, resulting in continuing balance problems. Removing the nerve allows the brain to adapt to having just one vestibular nerve, although it takes some time.
I will say a prayer for you and hope you can get some relieve from at least your facial pain and numbness issues prior to your surgery.