I'm glad you found a good doctor and look forward to hearing what you find out! I remember those days between my diagnosis and the first appt with a neurosurgeon as being the worst days of my life. I became keenly aware of each and every symptom, some of them seemed to be getting dramatically worse, and I couldn't get past all things I could lose. My appt with my doctor put me in a much better place, mentally. Nothing was sugar-coated, but he reaffirmed for me what many folks on the forum had been telling me for weeks - there are a few givens that occur with a particular type of surgery....but the rest are possibilities, rather than certainties. He gave me percentages, his track record, answered all of my questions, and by the time I had the surgery, I was mentally prepared and had all my things at home and work in order, so that I could focus all my energy toward takiing care of myself.
The champions here, aka forumites, were always around for me to lean on and knowing that even those who are facing some pretty tough challenges are here to tell the tale, help others, and are living their lives with a gusto.
Best of luck to you!!!!