Your Husband IMO is disabled, Don't take no for an answer. aliens get SS and SSI that's never worked in this country a day. You husbands has rights, get a laywer. IMO they will refuse the first application. Insurance Companies do the same thing most people are too proud and just accept it. Don't be one of them, Your husband will need more medicial attention. Base this on what he can't do , the fact that he got fired , and he can't find another job for being disabled from the operation. Looks, memory loss, weakness, confussion, pain, sleep disorders, and many more, do some on research on his conditions and get him to realize he has to go to doctors to verify his conditions IMO not the ones that done the operation get other opinions and statements. Alot of them. Once your case has been verified he will get back pay to the day he got out of the hosiptal.
You will probably have to get a lawyer and fight this for a while. Get copies of all the medical records, including the misdiagonsed ones. With the tumor remaining he is not cured. A nerosurgeon should be able to verify all of his conditions. Don't let the drinking effect you decisions, Most of the of the world are social drinkers and some don't admit it. You can also blame the drinking and weight gain and about any other problem or flaw on his condition now. He is not the same as before. Please seek advise from social workers, doctors, lawyers, ex-workers, friends, and anybody else that can make statements about your husband condition and the way he was before is life altering operation.
Anybody that's disabled needs to give this girl advise, she needs and deserves help!