Hi everyone -
Here are today's (4/21) updates on Laura's progress:
- I am thrilled to report that Laura had a MUCH better day today - hooray!
- She had a good night's sleep last night, woke up with no headache or nausea, and actually felt like she had a little energy. She developed a mild headache and a little nausea as the day progressed, but she says it's manageable, and still much better than it has been the last few days (especially yesterday!)
- She ate a good breakfast today - some cream of wheat, some eggs, and a little bit of pancake - and felt good afterwards.
- As soon as I heard her voice, I was amazed at how much better her pronunciation was today. She said she has a little more feeling in her tongue and in her lips, and that certainly was evident in her speech - a marked improvement over previous days.
- She was able to shower with assistance today.
- She took two walks around the unit today - one with a walker, and one a few hours later with the assistance of the PT. She felt good both times. The PT also had her stand without assistance with/without her eyes closed and she did very well.
- She developed some mild nausea after lunch that has lingered throughout the day, but she said it wasn't bad enough for her to want/need meds.
- The double vision is a little better today. She turned on the tv for the first time today, and after looking at the screen for a minute, was able to focus enough where she did not have double vision. And she said when she looked away from the screen to try and focus on anything else, the double vision came back. I found that very interesting - amazing how the mind works.
- The docs gave her some plastic glasses with a small piece of tape over the left eye that she said she was supposed to be wearing to help the double vision. I pointed out to her that she had said "supposed to be," meaning that she wasn't actually wearing the glasses - and she laughed. I told her that she probably looked really cool in them so she should put them on to impress the staff and visitors.
- She had her third (and last) iron IV today, and they removed her last IV line today - a good sign!
- She was going to have tomato soup for dinner (yum!) I am so happy she has has been able to eat today, as is she.
- Currently, she is still in the neuro unit. Apparently, her insurance company did not approve her rehab today, so she is unsure where she will go tomorrow if it does not get approved. She is going to talk to her doc about it. She would like to be able to spend a couple of days in the rehab unit getting her feet under her a bit more, but she said if she feels as good tomorrow as she did today, it wouldn't be too bad to go home. Her only concern would be if she needed to go to an outpatient rehab, as travel arrangements would be challenging. She was not stressing about it, however. She is just going to wait and see what tomorrow brings.
I am so happy tonight about her progress - and I am so happy to share it with all of you. Wow - such a change of emotion from last night!
I can't thank you enough for all the kind words and constant support you've shown for Laura - and for me. I was feeling down last night about her setback, and you all offered insights, provided perspective, and lifted my spirits - and hers, and for that I am incredibly grateful. And I am very moved, flattered (and a bit embarrassed) about all of the very sweet things you have said to me about my friendship with Laura. I thank you so much, but I just feel like I am doing what anyone would do for someone they care about. I feel very lucky to have her in my life - she is an amazing person - and she means the world to me.
Hope everyone has a great night!