Hi everyone -
Sorry I did not get a chance to post last night. Here are yesterday's (4/22) updates on Laura's progress:
- She had another good day yesterday, and said it was the first day she actually felt well. She had more energy and was in very good spirits when I spoke with her.
- She ate 3 full meals yesterday. She had mild nausea and a headache after breakfast, but after taking some meds, felt much better. Her doc said that the recurring nausea was because of the post-op swelling, and the nausea should go away as the swelling subsides.
- She took 2 walks around the unit yesterday afternoon - one with the OT and one with the PT. For the first walk, she used a walker for part of the time, then walked unassisted - and did well. For her 2nd walk (with the PT), she tried a cane instead of the walker. She was wobbly at first, but then had better balance. She also walked part of the way unassisted. She did well with her PT exercises, but admitted that she felt pretty tired afterwards.
- She was planning on taking another walk last night after we got off the phone.
- She said the plastic glasses with the tape over the left eye (that I have dubbed the "groovy glasses,") have been helping her with the double vision, but she still felt more comfortable looking at the floor on her walks. She can only wear them for a few hours at a time, though, because they are not overly comfortable. No surprise there.

- She will probably have one more round of blood work today to check her iron levels, etc.
- I was surprised that she was still in the neuro unit when I called last night (as was she). Apparently, her insurance company was still denying the transfer to rehab, which I personally think is counterproductive on their part, as the neuro unit must be more expensive than the rehab unit. (But, as we all know, insurance companies don't always make sense!) She is expecting to move today - but whether it's to rehab or home is unclear at this point. I think she would be fine with going home today, as long as she could have the PT visits at her home.
I'm so happy with her continued progress! I'll post another update after I speak with her tonight.
Hope everyone is having a great day!