The Good Ship PBW sets sail for Hawaii, well left a bit, 20 degrees to be precise, to get to the international dateline in time for the 100,000th visitor to the Good Morning thread.
This is a rather difficult journey to make after the captain successfully grabbed the tie off perched precariously over a school of parrot eating sharks. the downside, is that the Captain has no downside. It's been flattenned after bouncing repeatedly off the plank and trying to bounce over to see Sawyer.
Ye young captain is now in the infermery, being seen to by the drunken doctor (all pirate ship dopctors are drunk) come to think of it, my surgeon could have been drunk at the time too!) ooooh, too much politics.
As the PBW sets sail at a rapid pace, the newbie wenches are about to tackle their initiation tests to become fully fledged wenches of the PBW. This is no mean feat. Our cursed cruise director makes sure that the blindfolds are on. Now can't remember who hasn't passed the test so if you haven't, consider yourself blindfolded.
The test is - mmmm, what should the test be?
Stay tuned when we find out, which wench will succumb to the initiation test and be thrown overboard. Will the 100,00th viewer survive the fame and lack of fortune that bestows that honour?