Well I just hate alla ya!! Seems everyone has TimTams but ME!!!!!
Guess I'll hafta get me some online!!! I want the dark choccie ones and the Tia Maria ones!!! We has got to eat 'em in honor of the late great Mr Erwin, indeed a true scallwag if there ever was one!!
Hey Miss Laura! If you wants ter be one of this motley crew yer'll be needin' a uniform!!! Ye'll hafta message me your home addy and I'll sends ya one, right wenches? Be there any wenches or scallys out there what doesn't have one? Headcase, did I send you one? There's been so many sent out, I has just lost track!!!
Parrot Juice? Crickey! What's that! Maybe I don't wanta know.
Everyone have a great day including ME (which would be greater if I had me some TimTams)
Oh by the way, Is anyone aboard a carpenter? We be needin' to sister up the ribs and enlarge the cabin doors on this vessel after we plunder the TimTam factory in the land of Downunder!
Captain Deb