The good ship PBW sets sail with its crew, frothing at the mouth with the news that Captain Deb, fighting her way through the wicked triangle of headaches, s.x and rock’n’roll, oh, hang on a minute, two parts to the triangle isn’t bad. Anyway, the captain is on deck, almost all the crew has been counted, still have some missing in the chocolate vats from yestevoayages.
The orders have been given. Raise the anchor, hoist the sails and all that jazz. It’s plunderin we be at me mateys.
The good ship PBW is on route to the Bermuda triangle where the Captain has had word that there be some ships in distress. Eeeeaaaasy pickins I reckon, thinks the Captain.
Meanwhile, there is no word of 16, who many believe has turned 17. She has gone missin’ in action but the captain is being ruthless, we will sail on to those dangerous seas. Ready for any lootin and plunderin.
Stay tuned, will 16 and the girly whirly dhingy thingy turn up? Will there be easy pickins in the bernuda triangle? Or has the Captain pecked off more than she can squark.