Hi Everyone,
I started acupuncture to treat my facial palsy two weeks ago and got my second treatment today.
I've chosen a traditional practitioner. The initial visit was a consultation. I didn’t have to give her a medical briefing. Once I had opened my mouth she knew what was going on. Visible cue help identify blocked channels and flows of energy caused by imbalances and trauma and that’s what she was looking for. Acoustic neuroma meant nothing to this Chinese Lady; she could see where the damage was and knew which points to target. I know nothing about the physiology of acupuncture so I can't tell how placing needles into certain point helps. I got about 30 needles stuck into my right foot, right leg, stomach, right side of the face and behind the right ear as well as both hands and arms. A heat lamp was placed over my abdomen and I drifted off and almost fell asleep. No pain, after about 10 minutes comes a pleasant feeling of warmth they call arrival of Chi. My face twitched a few times as did my right nostril, something that has not happened since before the surgery. The entire experience is not unpleasant.
Since starting two weeks ago I have felt a noticeable difference. I seldom need the eye drops and have felt a return of function. Friends and family have noticed the difference. I started a photo record showing a "smile" on day one and will take another one tomorrow to compare. The only draw back is frequency of treatment and early intervention. If I knew after the surgery what I know now I would have started this straight away and gone every week till full function returned. Leaving it for 18 months reduces the chance of full recovery. Fortunately the Medic at work is qualified in traditional Chinese medicine and is getting the points from my practitioner so he can treat me while I am at work on a remote mine site.
I'll say one thing about acupuncture: I'm convinced it works. The restored function and sensation felt in the face is one thing. I get involuntary movement on the right side of my nose now which never occurred before. Like the nerve is waking up at last or coming back to life. I can actually get my mouth around an apple which I couldn’t do last month.
Then there’s the psychological affect. I feel ready for a nap after the session this morning but was soon feeling fully charged. Mood had changed. I was running late before hand and felt stressed but left the session feeling pretty good. So obviously a psychological side effect as well.
It’s definitely worth a try. Study up and find a reputable practitioner. Rule of thumb: Chinese Medicine is based around healing. In China, doctors are only paid when there is improvement or when the patient is cured. Our style of medicine relies on the sick to stay sick so Doctors and health professionals can turn a buck. I paid hundreds of dollars to Chiropractics to treat a back condition which my British ex-Army mate at work sorted in three sessions of acupuncture and some home style advice for no cost. The Chinese healer treating me almost forgot to charge today but was thrilled I was getting quick results. If you see an acupuncturist and they start going money mad at you, they are probably not being true to their art.
Best Regards