Thanks everybody!
I've been so profoundly exhausted that I really haven't had the energy to post again. It's like one day I'll post on one forum, one day I'll answer a couple e-mails, one day I'll post on another forum, and so on. So it's rather slow going!
Let's see... Dr Brackmann didn't want to release me until at least the next day, but after two visits from Dr Stefan we busted out of there!

So seven days it was, and it felt great to get back home. I have to say that of all the [considerable] experience I've had with hospitals, this one tops all in terms of how to do it right. There was not ONE staff member--from the "lowliest" (like housekeepers) to the loftiest (neurosurgeons)--who ever showed the slightest degree of grouchiness, abruptness, or not having time for me. EVERY face, around the clock, was cheerful, friendly and warm. What a wonderful thing to see.
At some day post-op (Nancy may recall better than I do!), I did have a CSF leak and needed additional stitching up, but that was the extent of any complications. No biggie at all.
My face, on the other hand... Oh dear. Okay, I KNEW that facial paralysis was a very real possibility and I was NOT surprised when it happened. BUT, it got worse and worse as each day went by. I am now MUCH more paralyzed [on the right] than I was 10 days ago. Friday we went to have the stitches removed and Dr Bassim (am I spelling that right?) reassured me that despite the worsening we KNOW that the nerve is intact, for two reasons. 1) I woke up with better function than I have now. 2) We reviewed the reports from surgery where they monitored and tested the nerve, and it was all good. So the nerve can't be severed.

It's just a matter of time. Meanwhile, I'm unable to close my right eye so we're using a combination of drops, tape, moisture patch, etc., to keep it from being injured.
As expected they removed the right vestibular nerve, so balance--or, more accurately, LOSING my balance!--is a big issue right now. They did their best to salvage the hearing on that side but we won't know for a while yet just what I'll end up with. Right now? It sucks. Big time. Over the din...the ROAR of the tinnitus on that side, I honestly can't make anything out.
Nancy came to visit and it was SO FUNNY that we had the same room! We're going to compare photos our respective partners took out the window of the Hollywood sign and Griffith Observatory--they should be identical!
We worked with physical therapists on walking and balancing, and I went home with a walker that I should only use when no one else is here. When I'm not alone, I'm using a cane on one side and a human on the other. I'm pretty unsteady/wobbly, but I feel like I'm making some progress each time we go outside for one of our jogs around the neighborhood. (Our really long jogs...all the way to the back fence and a very slow clip!)
I know there's more but this is long and boring enough for right now! Thanks again for the good thoughts and prayers.