Have had a bigger speed bump. Having a second surgery wasn't enough,we had to go for round 3. After my surgery I had the fluid filled seroma develop in my neck incision area of my nerve graft, I have had to make 2 trips to Iowa City to get it drained some,with the 2nd time being last Weds. At a stop at rhe grocery store as we got home, I began having a runny nose. It was a warm day so wasn't alarmed as with my very first surgery 4 yrs ago I had it big time. When I would do the head over test none ever dripped out of the nose. We got home and tried the test and this time it did drip,drip,drip. Rested a while and tried again and more drips. Called IC and they said was ok to wait to come back on Thurs as had no fever or other symptoms. Went back Thurs and was admitted and put on bed rest for 24 hrs. Fri still had the drip so Fri eve had a 3 hr surgery to drill some of the bone and more fat packing and a absorbable pad in place to further hold things. Also the eustachian tube is blocked. I came home Mon and now am feeling ok but back to the tired off and on, Very frustrating. I got to take the dressing off today and go back the25th for stitches out. The stitches this time are larger to hold well. The surgery was done as opposed to the drain since I was 2 weeks out from the last surgery and they think the drain might not do it. I am just glad to be home again and hopefully now can recover.
An added note to Karla who was asking about driving. I have drove in 2 weeks past my surgeries. It will depend on how much dizziness you have when you turn your neck and how stiff it may be. I am in a rural area also. Cheryl R.