Lupy -
I had no bruises, but like Kathy M found the double vision unsettling. I didn't realize it was a possibility.
I also wasn't prepared for the feeling when I woke up post op. I don't want to frighten you, but some have likened the feeling to being hit by a Mack truck and I'd have to agree. My neurotologist tried to prepare me for this feeling but it's kind of something you have to experience yourself to appreciate
I'd never had a major surgery before this, so I really had nothing to compare it to.
As far as the catheter goes, I asked my doc to make sure it was inserted after I was put to sleep and he agreed. Taking it out when you're awake is no big deal.
I'm amazed that Dan was eating so soon - and real food, too. I was nauseaus for many days post op. Couldn't eat at all.
But like he said - everyone is different.
Good luck with your surgery,
Oh, I don't know if the ANA will send literature to Australia. But it doesn't hurt to ask. You can contact them through the main page of this website.