We can all empathize with your fears and concerns about your latest MRI. Many of us have been in the same situation. Jan is right about the radiologist's report, which is a lot more informative than viewing the actual scans. The radiologist knows what he's looking at. Although the radiologists report is often somewhat indecipherable, you can usually discern if he saw any re-growth or other issue and if necessary, there are online medical dictionaries to help you make sense of the Latin and scientific phrases they use to obfuscate their conclusions.
This situation you're dealing with ('wait-and-worry') is why I've always scheduled my (now-annual) MRI scan with a consult with my neurosurgeon almost immediately afterward (he's in the building next door to the hospital where I have the MRI). This way, I don't have to spend much time worrying - I get his opinion within an hour of getting out of the MRI apparatus. I highly recommed this approach to anyone scheduling their MRI. Try to schedule your doctor visit the same day, if possible. It can save a lot of often unnecessary anxiety.
Waypoint, I can only hope and pray that the MRI is 'clear' and you can continue your remarkable recovery. Let us know ASAP. Thanks.