You are all so wonderful and supportive!!
I am not the "type" of person that would have ever consulted an attorney, I just wanted some leagal "advice". I do not, nor did I ever, have intentions of taking this into court. And I feel good about that decision. My feelings towards my doctor have not changed.....I truly feel he is a wonderful doctor and these are risks we take when having surgery.
Ok, so I met with the ENT yesterday.....I showed him my little baggie of yuckiness.....and he of course said most definetley this is from surgery....however he is uncertain as to whether or not this could have contributed to my infection.
As Sam explained, and I'm about to try to explain a bit further......becasue it was "found" in my ear canal and my ear drum is intact the "gauze like" substance would not be in the vicinity of my sinus' contributing to the problem. Had my ear drum been perforated he would have assumed it most definetly contributed to the infection. THe small loop hole he see's in all of this is that it was never discovered before now,.....and to correct others, I have had my ear "looked" in over the last year, but just briefly...quickly, about 45 days ago maybe?, my ear drum does have scarring which indicates that at some point it was did the perforation happen during surgery? did my ear drum rupture at some point during all of this infection and I was unaware of it??? My ear is still numb in spots and I at times can not feel there little instrument when it is in my ear, so coudl my ear have been infected and ruptured without my knowledge.....probably. Lots of unanswered stuff still. But overall he seems to think it did not contribute to the infection.....mainly because the "chunk of yuck" smells, according to the doc, like does not smell like infection....or anything necessarily "nasty". So my question to him was how could something like this sit in my ear canal for a year unnoticed? he of course had no answer for that one
I feel alot better about all of it and have an appt with my surgeon on Monday to discuss this point my main concern is clearing the infection and also, somehow, making sure there are no more "chunks of yuck" in my head!!
As far as my sinus infection goes.....after 6 rounds of antibiotics, many steroids and sprays.....the infection has only surgery is on the horizon
I meet this afternoon with the actual surgeon to discuss options and set everything up. I'm not happy about it, who would be....but at least it will be cleared up and I hope to feel worlds better when it's all said and done
Thanks again to all of you for your concern and support!