Author Topic: Infection or something else?  (Read 1533 times)


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Infection or something else?
« on: April 28, 2009, 05:42:48 pm »
I've had this issue in the last 4 weeks and not going away.  About 4 weeks ago, I went to SF to visit my family, on the way back I had a serious case of allergy from going out to an area near the coast to take pictures.  After getting back to LA, I've noticed that I had some pressure on the back of the head and the tinitus level has increased drastically.  Waited a week then went to my family doctor who identified that I had middle ear infection.  Gave me 10 days of antibiotics.  After 10 days, did not go away.  I did not sleep well at all and decided that it was time to go back to my surgeon (HEI) and asked him what was wrong.  He looked at it and also said there was fluid in that ear and gave me 10 more days of stronger antibiotics.  After 10 days, did not work either.  I got approval to get an MRI and was back there 2 days ago for him to look at the MRI.  He said that there is no tumor and all he saw was the fat that was put in at the surgery.  He looked at my ear carefully this time and said that he saw some fact and a little bit of fluid.  Since I told him that the discomfort is around the incision area where the surgery was.  He indicated that it is odd that after 1.5 year, I would have an infection there and he indicated that it might be infection of the fat.  So this time, he subscribed me an antibiotics that is specific for this area. 

I know it is too soon, only after 1.5 day of taking the new antibiotics, but since there was 2 other times the other antibiotics did not do much good, I want to find out from this forum if you've encountered any similar issue like this before?

My questions are:

1.  He said that it is not the CF leak.  I think he is correct since when I bent down, there is no fluid coming out of my nose.  If there was some, it seems to be mucus since it is kind of jelly and sticky but clear.  Can it be CF leak, very small leak?  If it is, how would it be fixed?  How to identify by myself if it was CF?
2.  A member of this forum mentioned that this could be scar-neuroma, which I don't know how this can be identified since that area seems to be kind of hard to see on the MRI (it does look like lots of white areas on the MRI around that area).  If it was scar-neuroma then there should not be any fluid in the middle ear, which I can feel it from time to time.
3.  The dr. also indicated to me that he wanted to have me take a spinal tap to make sure I don't have CF infection, which I'm opposing to that idea since it is very invasive and not necessary at this time because I do not have any symptoms which indicates that I have CF infection.  The main issue is at the area of the surgery.

My symptoms are basically stuffed ear, tinitus, head sensitivity, sensitive to sound, all of the usually stuffs that indicates a tumor.  However, mine was removed 1.5 year ago and the MRI 4 months ago indicated nothing there either including the one few days ago.  Once in a while I could feel the fluid move in my ear (all of this is on the AN side).

Thanks for any input.
1cm AN on the left side.  Surgery was on Oct 2007 at HEI.  Currently having issue with it, may be a CFS leak.  Not feeling too well.


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Re: Infection or something else?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 06:04:24 am »
I don't have any answers to your questions...just stopped by to wish you good luck in getting it resolved. Since the doctor you are now seeing for this was your surgeon, I'm thinking he probably has a good idea as to all the complications that could occur this far down the recovery road.

Just an anecdotal data point... ear infections can be very difficult to get rid of. When I was younger I used to swim and scuba dive in the ocean a lot. More than once I got ear infections that took more than a month to cure. This was with using drying agents after every dunking and following the doctors orders, completing the full courses of antibiotics, etc.

Again, good luck with getting this resolved.

..take care.. tim b
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Re: Infection or something else?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 09:25:20 am »

Thanks for the encouraging words.

Well, at this time, the tinitus is still there, however, the sensitivity of the head around the left and back side of the head now intensified.  Also the pressure in the left back of the head now also in the right side of the head so it is difficult to get a good night sleep.  I've noticed that also, last night, I had some stuff nose depending on which side I slept on (right nose if I laid on the right side and so on), however, when I woke up and walked around the the pressure is off and the stuffy nose is gone.  The sensitivity and tinitus is still here though.

Wonder if I have sinus infection instead of ear infection. 
1cm AN on the left side.  Surgery was on Oct 2007 at HEI.  Currently having issue with it, may be a CFS leak.  Not feeling too well.