Yeap, I have that problem too. I have also had very dry hair during the last year (which I never had before). But then, I do suffer from eczema especially during the dry winter months. It does seem to be worse on the AN side, but as much as I have thought about it I haven't been able to find a logical explanation about how they could be associated. The only explanation that I could possibly come up with is that it may have something to do with the reduced/altered sensation due to the trigeminal nerve being compromized. Kind of similar to what happens with the cornea/dry eye thing. i.e. reduced sensation may give wrong signal for the secretion of natural oils that keep the scalp healthy, so it dryes up too much.
OK, keep in mind that this is a totally unscientific explanation, I haven't read it or heard about it anywhere so it is probably entirely wrong. Most likely this may be an environmental issue, coupled with stress that can cause funky sensations.