I am now officially more official with my date. I was May 14 in Nebraska, but now I am May 19 at House! I never knew my brain could make so many decisions and I am sure it is not running at full capacity these days!
Let me give lots of thanks to
Chocolate truffle
Lisa Peele
Christine D
and many more that have PM'd me about all these choices. I so appreciate the time you take from your personal lives to help us Newbies during these confusing times.
I too am shopping for button up pj's - did I actually just say that? I buy those for my grandma!!
Myself, husband, and 2 kids are flying in on May 14. Spending Fri, Sat, and Sun, playing tourist. Our close friends are coming as well(with their 3 kids) and then will fly home with our kids on Monday before surgery. Swimming with the dolphins is in our future!!
We are booked at Seton for May 17-31. Did I mention my folks are driving from Wyoming to be close during surgery? Oh yea, they will bring the kitchen sink!