Some days I find it helps to bury myself in things that require my complete focus. I've found that creative things seem to capture me the most. These are the things I do to take my mind off things.
I have a hard time tearing myself away from the water these days, especially when we get warm weather but i still enjoy my previous hobbies. I did get some paddling in on these last few warm days but I also cleaned out my workshop in preparation for some summer projects. I enjoy landscaping and woodworking and particularly woodworking that involves landscaping. I have a few things on the drawing board. One actually involves all 3 hobbies...a storage shed for my standup boards. Here are a few previous projects.
Some gates I built for my brothers home on Maui a couple years ago.
Lots of these little guys running around so i carved one and added it to the gate.
Mom's deck...11/5 stairs for easy access.
The entrance to the asian inspired water garden my daughter and i built 10 years ago. It's covered with wisteria and yellow trumpet vine.
From inside under the cherry tree
Inside looking out in summer.
Morris inspired landscaping involved...this is for my large chair killing backside. No more recliners falling apart under me!...
Gecko fence I made last year....I enjoy carving....many of the outdoor items I have made have small carvings in them. Particularly those using rough logs.
My next project...a storage shed for 6 standup paddleboards up to 16' long. To be integrated into a fence.
I used to be fanatical about my landscaping. To look at it now you can tell i have some other hobbies and such taking up time. I feel like I never have enough time to get it the way i used to keep it. I guess so long as its not completely taken over by weeds i'll be happy