Have a lot of updates to start out with. Here are the one's that I know of:
Laura (allegro17) had her surgery at the SBI here in LA. It was successful. She did have issues with dizziness for the first few days, but she's doing fine now.
Debbi had her MRI and got the results immediately. They were unremarkable!
Patty (cjtender) had her Retro Sig. She had a bit of a rough time for the first few days but was fine by Friday.
Jan had her MRI and confessed that she enjoys them (Jan Jan Jan, you're giving the Tube o' Gloom a good name). The results are in the mail -- at last check.
Sara (saralynn143) went for a follow up visit and got a car. Talk about a non sequitur. The follow-up btw was good.
Patrick turned 49.
And Jo (tenai98) had a good visit with her ENT.
OK, here's what's up this week. Looks like a bunch of appointments and follow up stuff.
On Monday, Jo Joebloggs) has an appointment with the T o' G for a CT Scan and a follow up with the neurosurgeon. Here's hoping all goes well, Jo.
On Tuesday, Wetever is having surgery at House. Best wishes for a successful surgery.
Also on Tuesday (Wednesday too), Patty, (alwaysthere) has appointments with doctors at the Mayo Clinic. Hope you get some answers, Patty.
Then on Wednesday, Brian (pooter) has a date with the Tube o' Gloom. Brian, being a musician, maybe you can come up with a song based on all the booming and banging in the Tube. It would make an interesting bass line.
On Thursday, Anissa from Idaho has her one month check up. May it be a great one, Anissa.
Also on Thursday, Jen (JWH) has an appointment with the T o' G for her three month MRI. Jen, may it be unremarkable and may it be the last of what you've been dealing with for the past 6 years.
Finally, on Friday, Brian (pooter) is celebrating his one year Retro Sig anniversary. Wow, and it just seems like a year ago. Celebrate big, Brian.
And that's it for this week. Have a great one everybody.