Hey everybody, I just posted this last night, so I was thinking, well I will check to see if I got a reply yet. And Whoa! 16 replies in less than 24 hours! I read them all, even though I had to slow down by the time I got to the middle, because my eyes started watering...I hate when that happens ; - ) Thanks to everybody for a enthusiastic and nice welcome. Also it was good some pointed out to make sure I ask my doctor to count past ten. That was funny....
To answer a few of the questions, I live in Michigan, on the west side of the state. Born and raised, but I visited San Diego 4 years ago and thought it would be an awesome place to live. I could put my ice scraper on Ebay or something. I know several people who lived in MI, and moved to the Phoenix, AZ area, and they always tell me, "I miss the changing of the seasons". Not one has moved back.
warm all year > seasons changing
I went to the doctor because I did notice hearing loss on my right side for quite awhile, and I finally started to think I should do something about it. It's kind of funny/peculiar, because before my first hearing test(I don't quite remember what it was called, basic hearing test maybe) I remember the nice lady asked me if I had ringing in my ear. I told her, "no". And after that afternoon was when I actually noticed how much my ear does ring. I have it everyday, for 1 to 10 minutes at a time. Sometimes once a day, sometimes 5 times a day. I think it was just something I've had for so long, it didn't even register in my brain until after i realized there could be a problem and a doctor asked me about it. I am still amazed that I actually didn't think I had ringing in my ear when she asked me.
Two questions about posting...did I do this right, clicking 'reply' to my own first posting, or should I start a new post? Not sure forum etiquette, I don't even have facebook or myspace! Also, how do I load a pic of myself for when I post? I saw a URL link to put in, from facebook or myspace picture, but like I said, I'm not into facebook. Thanks!