Hi, I found out I have a 3cm AN about a month ago. I am 25, and it still seems unreal that I have something like this when I am so young. I noticed I had hearing loss in my right ear for several years, no big deal right? Probably all those concerts that my parents always told me not to go to...the MRI showed otherwise. I just had an ENG and ABR testing done last Wednesday (4-29), and I don't have the results from those yet. I only felt a tiny bit dizzy for the ENG, but it was really barely noticeable. I met with one neurosurgeon so far, and really liked him. I asked him how many AN surgeries he's done, and he said he quit counting a long time ago. I liked that answer! He has also worked with the other Neuro who's doing my surgery for over ten years, so that is comforting as well.
The frustrating part is just sitting here, knowing it is out of my control to improve anything about the tumor. I am a runner, and just bought a sweet road bike(Trek 1200) the weekend before I got the results from my first MRI, because I wanted to do a triathlon this summer. I work full time, and go to school at nights. It's like life is on hold right now, I wish I could have the surgery now. The Neuro said July is when surgery will be, no exact date yet. I just did another MRI, brain and spine, yesterday. Apparently the first MRI wasn't 'high res' enough or something, and didn't show clearly the exact location of the tumor. It could be a Meningioma, or a Schwonnoma. He discussed either translab or the other one more behind the head to preserve the hearing I have left, which is about 50%.
I have a large(my parents had 7 kids!!!) family, so that is helpful. I feel like I could write a book, there is just so much to say about all the emotions going on with something like this. I also am going through an unwanted divorce, which I was going to personal counseling to work thru. I had my last session about 3 weeks before I found out about my AN. 2009 will be a year that lives in infamy for me. I try to keep positive though, my boss is super understanding and cares about me as a person first. He has told me whatever time I have to take off is fine, even if there's no doctor's appointments and I just need a break. That is something to be thankful for. I did have insurance thru my wife's work, and now will be going on COBRA, and my boss said he'd help with the cost there.
I've read alot the past month on this site, and it's helped to read about all the different things that people have gone thru/are going thru. I just wanted to throw my hat in the ring, in the hopes to help others, as other people's challenges have helped me. I will know more details after the 13th of May, that is my first appt. with the second neurosurgeon involved in the surgery. I am hoping this second MRI shows what direction we are going to go with for surgery.
With all that said...now it kind of feels like I'm part of the group now, instead of just some weirdo stalker who never posts anything, just reads.

Nice to meet everybody! Hopefully I didn't leave any major points out, but if you have any questions, fire away.