After 4 months of medical leave, I returned to work today. I can't believe it's been that long...and yet, it seems like a lifetime. While I was on medical leave, I've been offered a promotion, too - I have accepted and now it is awaiting final approval. Barring any unforeseen issues, I will be able to start my new job late this month. Until then, I'm back at my current job (whilch is great, too).
I am a worrier by nature (as many of you know very well), and I've questioned my ability to cope with work, cope with driving (a one hour 10 minute drive each way), cope with balance issues, SSD, and I've also wondered if I could ever expect to have the cognitive abilities to perform my job (let alone a new job with even more responsibilities). But guess what I found? I'm doing great!!!
Work - I felt very much on my game and hopped right in with both feet. I have over 900 e-mails waiting for me, but that's ok! Conference call within the first hour of coming back, and there was no slow down until 8 hours later when I walked out the door.
Driving - Thick fog this morning (I hadn't practiced that during my leave time!), did great, although I did have to pry my hands off the steering wheel when I got there. Driving home - torrential rain. Again, a white-knuckle drive, but no problem!!!
Balance - I wore my terrific peep-toe pumps with 3 inch heels and didn't topple over. Maneuvered my way from a parking garage, 2 escalators, and an elevator to the 28th floor. My building has tall tall ceilings, lots of visual input, I remained upright and could talk and walk to get coffee with my staff!!
SSD - that one might be a challenge, but I'll figure it out. Once I get some distance from my surgeries, I may consider pursuing the BAHA. Until then, folks will just have to be patient. I only picked up my phone 3 times today and held it to my non-hearing ear. Tomorrow, I'll rearrange my desk so I won't forget that I can't hear a thing on my left side!!! (...and, during a family get-together Sunday, I didn't hear my brother-in-law start to pray before the meal and I just kept commenting on all the great sales in the paper I was reading at the table. My family thought that was just hilarious but I was not amused!!! My husband has promised to cue me in next time but he got such a chuckle, I don't know if I trust him!!)
Cognitive issues - time will tell, but I felt very vital, relevant, and on my game. I foresee no issues. Short-term memory issues(especially names) have haunted me for a long while, but I manage this with making lists. Doesn't help with names, but ya can't have everything!!
The only down side - the scarf irritated my "wound" on the back of my head. It has finally started to heal, no more drainage, but it is ouchy tonight. My staff told me that they think it looks just fine (a bazooka gum pink bald spot about the size of a medium strawberry) and to not wear it at all. I might muster up the courage to do that tomorrow since I don't want the healing process to stop!!! Come this far, don't want to ruin the progress!!!!
All in all I am so very lucky. ANs are lousy. Scares one to death. I did not have an uneventful recovery, unfortunately. BUT - here I am, on the other side, feeling great, and very proud to be recommended for a new position to boot. I will begin playing clarinet in my local community band in the next few weeks once I get back in the routine of working long days. Life is really good.
Thanks for all you've done for me (and my family) throughout this journey. I would have been quite lost without you.
I'm not done here yet...just had to share this good news with you. If you're recovering from surgery - or preparing for it at some point, don't despair! Your life can be even better!!!
Love to all of you,