Hi and thank you everyone so much for you kind thoughts and prayers.
Firstly the radiotherapy thing, I am unsure what is available here in the UK on the NHS, I feel that not much was said to me the other day (Thursday) at the hospital one because to be honest nothing much is ever said to you when your on the NHS and also because what ever I have done on the NHS costs ££££££s so their not so quick to give it away, unless absolutely necessary. Talk of GK or CK don't even come into it most of the time you don't get options just recommendations, Unless of course you go private which depending on the answers I get next week, will be under consideration. I intend on calling my Doctors next week, since Thursday questions, questions, questions are popping into my head, I need answers, answers, answers.
For example: why such a sudden regrowth, how common is this with patients who have tumour left after surgery, what size was the tumour after surgery, what are my options for radio therapy, why do I have to wait for radio therapy, why can't they just zap it now, what are the side affects, will it make me infertile.......the list goes on and on.
I need to thank you all again, I know god hasn't deserted me I just wanted someone to blame, I do wonder what it was that I did that was so wrong in my life that it means I'm now being punished, but then I get a grip and try not to think so negatively. Fait has its plan and this must be mine.
Take care guys and I'll keep you posted.
One last thing "Learn from yesterday, Live for today, and Hope for tomorrow"
Cheryl XxX