Hi All,
After a great AN brunch in Worcester (believe me, it was wonderful to touch base with you all!) and a week long cruise, I've come back with screaming symptoms. The tinnitus has become a constant roar and the vertigo has increased substantially. I've already missed two days of work this week. It was pouring rain this morning and then suddenly stopped (so I thought). It hadn't stopped, I just rolled over and covered my non AN effected ear and couldn't hear the rain. Sooo, I think my hearing on the AN side is deteriorating more. I've decided to move ahead with surgery to get this thing out (saw Dr. Martuza Wednesday before I left). If anything, it would give me the best chance of preserving hearing in that ear since the tumor is still small.
Does anyone have any advice, experience, suggestions, funny jokes, about vertigo and AN? I've been pretty cheerful about this thing thus far, but this is starting to weight me down.
Thanks for the feedback in advance.
Miss Molly