Author Topic: Post-Gamma Knife symptoms??  (Read 2041 times)


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Post-Gamma Knife symptoms??
« on: March 05, 2006, 05:50:09 pm »
Hi,  I had Gamma Knife Radiosurgery about 6 weeks ago,
and am wondering if anyone else is or has experienced
any of the same symptoms I am.  I am dealing with constant
dizziness (some days worse that others), and have not been
able to return to work.  Also the top right half of my head is
numb, with an area just above my hairline staying light red.
Is any of this normal??  Any suggestions, or reccomendations
(other than patience!!)  I have tried steroids, and the patch
behind the ear--for dizziness----no luck so far!!


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Re: Post-Gamma Knife symptoms??
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 06:43:15 pm »
I too am a fellow GK'er...University of Virginia Nov 2003.   The numbness is from what they gave you to put on the head frame...I had numbness for a long time before it went totally away.  The numbness worked it's way to the top of my head and stayed there a while.  It really felt wired to comb or brush my hair.  But it went away in about 2 months; the doc told me it would take a while so I was prepared. 

As for the redness....maybe an allergic reaction to something they used to clean the skin before the head frame was mounted??  Does it itch?  Hurt to touch?  Maybe some Hydrocortisone cream might help.

As for the may have some minor swelling at the site from the radiation.  Are you on Prednisone?  Excellent stuff...makes me feel a bit freaky...but works great.  There is another version of it if the original makes you feel wired.

Follow your gut...if you don't feel right go see your doctor and see if he/she can prescribe something for you...steroid wise, or something for the redness.

Hang in there...if you still don't feel right you could always push for an early MRI.  But your probably going through normal stages. 

Originally 1.8cm (left ear)...Swelled to 2.1 cm...and holding after GK treatment (Nov 2003)
Gamma Knife University of Virginia
Note: Riverside Hospital in Newport News Virginia now has GK!!