Hey everybody, I received the official surgery date of July 1st today. Pretty crazy, I'm going to have brain surgery! I met with the 2nd surgeon on Wednesday, and I am really glad I met with the other surgeon first. Some people have 'people skills', and some people don't
I still don't know what surgery style I'm going to have, retrosiggmoid or translabyrinthe. I thought that it is kind of crappy to be only 47 days away from surgery, and still not have an answer on that. I have another appointment with the other neurosurgeon on June 16th, and I suppose I will find out the details then. The Neuro said that because of the placement of my tumor, he didn't want to make a decision on retro vs. trans. until after he gets the results from my higher res MRI and gets a chance to talk to the 2nd surgeon. It doesn't bother me too much not knowing. I am confident in both doctors, so that helps.
The hospital where my surgery is going to be has a two campuses, and I am going to be at the one I prefer, so that is nice.
I am really surprised at how much worse the ringing in my ear has gotten. A couple months ago, it rang off and on, but more off than on. Now, it's nearly 24/7. I haven't noticed too much that irritates it, other than loud noise. I thankfully don't have any other symptoms so far. It's a 3cm tumor, so I feel fortunate to not really have anything else damaged by it (thus far). I was told that it is odd shaped, it's more oblong than round. The surgeon said that would make it difficult to radiate it. Also because I'm 25, and the large size already of the tumor, that radiation isn't the best option in my case. I agreed with their conclusion.
I was already looking at races in the fall, trying to figure out the time line like, "ok, 4 days in the hospital, 4 weeks of not much, then running a little...Yeah, I can totally do a 5k in October!"
I thought I would be happy once I find out the actual surgery date, but it's been more difficult keeping it together emotionally not that the countdown has begun. It used to be, "I'm having brain surgery sometime in the future." Now it's like, "I'm having brain surgery in only 6 weeks! Holy crap!" I'm trying to just 'take it one day at a time' and all those other cliche things. Some days are good, and some days aren't as good. I guess if you didn't have bad you wouldn't appreciate the good. (whoops, another cliche)
I'd also like to add, just like so many other people have said as well, that this forum is really helpful. Not one person that I personally know has ever heard of an Acoustic Neuroma, so it's comforting to get on here and be able to read other people's experiences.
And the journey continues...