Hi NYC! Sorry you had to join this club, but glad you are researching to find answers.
You can see i am in W & W, so i have not had any treatments (yet). However, i did have a surgical consultation with Dr. Tamargo.
Kim (Zinger 1095) had surgery with Dr. Tamargo. If you go back to the main page and type in Zinger1095, you can find her posts.
If you have trouble with the search feature, please let me know.
Since ANs are slow growing benign tumors, i hope you will take a deep breath and do your research.
I am also sure there are some great teams of surgeons in the NYC area.
One more thing - i do have to agree with Steve G. - don't rule out any treatment, including radiation, until you have done your research.
Of course, ultimately, the decision is yours. That's what often makes this AN journey so crazy!
It is QUITE a journey for my family - my sister and i are both here.
Take care and keep us posted.