Hi Patty,
I am sorry your tumor is growing so fast. I am happy that you are ready for surgery. I wish you the best and will keep you in my thought and prayers.
I hope all of your questions were answered form the Dr.s at the Mayo. I felt extremely comfortable with both of them.
Late answers for you concerning headaches: I have horrible headaches. I have one about every 7-8 days. My head is going to explode. Some of the time I take a 2mg fast release oxycodone, yesterday I took four tylenol and it knocked it down in about 45minutes.
Nails, I took off all polish, I do not wear artifical.
I think the head was mimimally shaved. I have chin length hair and thin, they shaved about 2 inch strip from top of ear to bottom of neck. My hair on top of my head would cover up my scar. I have the same bob but shorter in the back. My new hair is growing extremely fast. I did get some vitamins with extra Bioitin and B vitamins to help with growth, I think it is working.
If you think of any questions please ask.
God Bless, Bell