Hi! Sorry - a whirlwind of activity over here lately! Phew...
Anyway, I had my 7-12 at 18 months post AN surgery. I was told to wait until at least 12 months to see if anything was coming back on it's own, and it wasn't. I still wanted to wait, so we pushed it to 18 months. So, at the end of last September, I had it done. I was told I wouldn't notice any movement until the 6 month point, but at 3 months, I started to get some movement back and it's still coming along.
It's not great, not what it was pre AN surgery, but it's so much better than it was before. At rest, my face looks symmetrical and "normal". I'm doing PT now to work on getting the muscles around my mouth a little stronger so it looks more natural when I speak, and still working on the blink, but there is a flutter of movement that wasn't there before.
There may be a preferred time to do the transfer when your nerve has actually been cut. Mine was not, it was just so stretched out, it wasn't going to get any better without a little help. The fact that yours was cut might make it a different story. I would ask the doctor his reasoning for his time table.
Like Moe said, it was a simple procedure (for me anyway..maybe not for the doctor!). I would do it again if I had to and I'm happy with my decision.
Have you gone to any PT yet? I went for a little while before my 7-12 - that's how we determined that it just wasn't going to happen for me without a jump start.
Good luck!
p.s. to Moe - Tricare just denied my request for PT - after they sent me the referral authorization for 26 visits, of which I've already had 3. Now I have to write them a letter with medical documentation to get them to pay. Yeah, I have time for this right now! They say that PT is not recognized as an effective treatment for Bell's Palsy. Well, that's great to know - I don't have Bell's Palsy!!!! And, as a PT, I happen to know that PT is quite effective at treating Bell's Palsy! UGHHHH!!!