Yep, I have a Deviated Septum too. I don't have any more problems with colds and stuffed up nose than the average person, and ony used nasal sprays once or twice. I didn't know I had a DS until I saw it on a chart in one doctor's office. At the time I thought maybe I could have plastic surgery due to the deviated septum and insurance would pay! (I have a bump in my nose). Never got around to checking, and as I grow older my little vanities shrink and shrink.
Also, I have no idea when my tumor started growing (it was diagnosed in 2004) but as of about 1994 I started to have trouble getting my ears to pop back when I flew. I had to fly pretty often when I was working, and someone said if I took Sudafed it would help. It did, but I still have the problem, mostly with my AN ear. Cause, effect, effects of the same cause??