You only just had your translab and baha surgery this past April… (now at 2 months post op?)
Was there indication that your facial nerve would not re-generate?
If the facial nerve probe indicated that you still have activity in the facial nerve I question as to why you must have eye weight “surgery�.
Has your ophthalmologists even suggested your try the “stick on� eye weight yet?This is the PDF file on it (it is called the blink eze) got mine (the stick-on kind in the PDF linked above) almost 2 months after surgery. Once I stuck it on –I could blink again and I no longer needed the lacrolube goop that was blinding me … now I have full function of my eye lid (know that when I came home from AN surgery in 2007 I had NO eye movement), and today I no longer I wear the stick on eye weight (unless I am overly fatigued or it is overly
arid) and do not even hardly need even eye drops-
at all now. This took time and patience and I
never had the eye surgery because I was patient with the stick on eye weight and the eventually the eyelid movement came back. I kept my cornea well hydrated and now have recovered full vision in that eye. That took about 18 months for 100% nerve regeneration in the eyelid. Know however that if I cry from a sappy movie (or chopping onions) that eye does not tear
yet… I am still waiting.
I am reading your past posts and I am not seeing that you have stated that your facial paralysis is
Have you any facial function, on the AN tumor removed side, at all?In you June 16 post of you wrote
Apparently my nerves to my eye and around my eye are regenerating. I have problems sleeping. I think it's my eye that keeps me up. I feel constant tingling 24/7. When I do sleep, it's for an hour then up for 2. Has anyone else experience this?
I am guessing your nerves ARE regenerating and there is a chance this will come back for you- as it did for me.Answering that question about your facial nerve activity would help us posties give you more input. Know that there are different types of eye weights, sizes of eye weight and positioning of the weight in the eyelid. Our support group actually had this speaker come and talk to us about the pros and cons of each… including issues with the spring eye weight. You want to make sure you are only having a
very experienced eye surgeon implant this as if this is not done correctly the weight can slip, wear through the skin etc and damage the eye.
Make sure you are dealing not with the ENT but an “ophthalmology� specialist only.
The “e� in ENT- does not stand for “eye�.
This is the doctor who presented to our Portland Oregon ANA support group.
Dr Eric Steele own eye care doctor, John Ng who works in the same Casey Eye Institute, advocated I avoid more surgery and try the stick-on eye weight as it is less evasive
This is he… and his credentials was bang-on with this recommendation and this was very successful. So many fellow AN posties ask me,
Why did I not just get the stick on one? I had to have surgery to put it in and again surgery to take it out when eye function returned!�…
I ask the same question.
“Why?� If you are interested in the stick on one- let me know. Mine was covered by my insurance (after we jumped through a few hoops). It was fiddly to learn how to use it- but then it became no more complicated than putting on contact lenses…
Before you have
more surgery- really think this one out.