Author Topic: IMPROVED Great Eye Care Technique!!!  (Read 3302 times)


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IMPROVED Great Eye Care Technique!!!
« on: June 23, 2009, 07:09:12 am »
As I mentioned in my original post below, I use Refresh Tears in a Pump Mist sprayer during the day and Celluvisc at night.  The Celluvisc provides much greater comfort but leaves my vision blurred so I don't like to use it during the day.  Over the last couple months, I've been filling my Pump Mist Sprayer w/ a combination of Celluvisc and Refresh Tears and I've noticed an improvement.  This is just to change the viscosity slightly so that the Refresh Tears does not evaporate so quickly while not affecting the clarity of my vision.  Currently, I'm using 5 vials of Celluvisc and then filling the rest of the bottle up w/ Refresh Tears.  Probably, you need to play w/ the ratio some to get it right for your preferences.

BTW... Has anyone used this technique w/ any success?

Best Regards,


On 12-1-04, I had a nasty 3.5cm AN removed.  As the AN was large and very adherent  (ten+ hour surgery to remove), my facial nerve was damaged such that I had complete paralysis on the affected side for about 6 months.  For me the worst issue was and still is caring for my eye.  Using Celluvisc at night was fine but daytime care using Refresh Tears frequently left my eye annoyingly uncomfortable. 

One night while having dinner w/ close friends, I was sharing a story about what a pain in the butt it is to have to frequently use eyedrops.  I also jokingly mentioned how dangerous it was to put in eye drops while driving and how it would probably be the death of me.  Maybe some of you know the experience of driving to/from work and steering w/ your knees while you tilt your head back and squirt a drop of tear into your eye : )  My friend then said to me... "As an engineer, you know I would have to find some kind of mechanical solution to that problem"  A few moments later, my friend suggested using a nasal mist sprayer which would allow me to keep my eyes on the road.  As soon as I heard this suggestion, I thought "WHAT A GREAT IDEA"

The next morning, I went to the drug store and purchased a bottle of Afrin w/ a mist pump sprayer.  After dumping out the nasal decongestant and carefully cleaning the inside of the plastic bottle, I replaced the contents w/ Refresh Tears.  Immediately, I recognized that the pump mist is a superior delivery method!!!  My eye felt more comfortable almost immediately and I would no longer need to take my eyes off the road to put drops in!!!

Quickly I also recognized another benefit that I did not expect.  When I used the regular bottle and tilted my head back and dropped a drop of Refresh Tears into my eye, most of the drop would fall out of my eye like a tear as through I were crying.  However, when I used the mist sprayer, the fluid would stay on my eye keeping it moist and comfy.  I 'think" this is a simple matter of a static friction (I say 'think' because I'm an accountant and never studied physics).  Because of the large size of the droplet using the original container that Refresh Tears comes in, friction is not sufficient to keep the liquid adhered to the eye.  Using the pump mist, the tiny droplets are small enough that friction holds the droplets to the eye.  The fluid stays on my eye instead of running down my cheek.

Whenever I see my friend, I always thank her for her great suggestion.  I always introduce her as my hero and I always tell how she probably saved my life by helping me keep my eyes on the road.

I hope this technique is helpful to others.

Best Regards,



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Re: IMPROVED Great Eye Care Technique!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2009, 09:48:38 am »
Thanks for the great advice, ALA!!
I'll keep that in mind, and may try it myself.
I just end up keeping a small amount of eye ointment in the lower lid all day long so I don't have to bother, but I'll keep your idea on my list!
06/06-Translab 3x2.5 vascular L AN- MAMC,Tacoma WA
Facial nerve cut,reanastomosed.Tarsorrhaphy
11/06. Gold weight,tarsorrhaphy reversed
01/08- nerve transposition-(12/7) UW Hospital, Seattle
5/13/10 Gracilis flap surgery UW for smile restoration :)
11/10/10 BAHA 2/23/11 brow lift/canthoplasty